Fair Housing Act and ADA

Fair Housing Act and ADA

Carolyn Osolinik served as Chief Counsel for Senator Edward Kennedy and was extensively involved in the development, drafting, and passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). She has worked closely with members of the disability community to pursue policies that protect persons with disabilities from discrimination. She advises clients who own and operate residential facilities and other buildings about how to comply with the Fair Housing Act (FHA) and ADA. She received a National Law Journal Champion of the Year award for her work on the U.N. Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Edward Correia has advised clients, including major real estate developers and a national restaurant chain, about how to comply with the ADA and the FHA. He has represented clients in negotiations with the Department of Justice in order to resolve an investigation of compliance with these laws. His recent article in the Practical Real Estate Lawyer is entitled, “A Guide for Buyers of Multi-Family Properties to FHA Liability for Accessibility.